Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Take 6 Tuesday - 6 Ways To Use Eyelets and Brads

Welcome to this week's edition of Take 6 Tuesdays.

Don't you just love to embellish with eyelets and brads? I do! This week, I thought I would share with you some ways to use eyelets and brads that you may not have thought of yet or you have in the past but need a refresher.

Here are just 6 of so many ways to use eyelets and brads:

6. center of flowers or letters

5. eyes of paper dolls

4. nails in a fence

3. buttons on a snowman

2. in the hole of a tag

1. buttons on a shirt

Here is one of my favorite layouts that I made using a lot of brads.

Post or send me a picture of something you've made with brads or eyelets and I'll send you a bigger list of 70 ways to use eyelets and brads along with your blog candy.

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